Hello to all.

I need some suggestions on cargo retention and driver / passenger protection. I recently purchased a 2013 Xterra which replaces a full blown service truck. What I will be hauling is 2 transport cases, Plat 20x20x12. Each of these hold about 30lbs of tools and test equipment. I bought the Xterra so I could keep my equipment in the dry. I have been looking at http://www.raingler.com/?gclid=COG13Y3-g74CFWcS7AodjB8A7A#!product/prd1/1788043915/flat-iron-system THIS but may I ask what other options are out there? I simply need to hold down the tool cases and, in the event of an accident, keep them from flying up to the drivers cabin. Any thoughts, help or advice would be appreciated!

My best,