Hi there! Any further update on this in regards to Nissan stepping to the plate? I just took my 07 (48K miles) in and was told the timing chain. I was FLOORED until I googles these forums. I created a case with Nissan, but I am told they have 24 hours to review the case. My dealer said "no one" is getting reimbursed from Nissan on this issue.
As related in my post I was reimbursed! I was lucky it hit me before the milage warranty was up however. I am positive I'd have been out of luck too. I thought at the time how un lucky I was but looking back I was very lucky. It is clearly a design or quality control issue that Nissan should have done a recall on.
I don't recall my milage at the time, was your 48k miles still within the warranty? (Never mind I just saw the warranty expires after 30,000 miles) It might have also helped that I sent the parts to them for effect and penned a well written argument for my case I don't know.