I DID consider the H3. But it's underpowered, and the H2 was nothing more than a poser. Like their cool grill? They were sued by Jeep for stealing their legendary trademark.
I bought a new Jeep Wrangler Sahara last year. Took it to places most would fear to take a new stock vehicle. Extremely capable vehicle, but only got 15 MPG.
This week I traded in my Jeep for a new X. The Jeep was a great offroad vehicle, but the poor mileage and lack of power in overdrive, made it a mediocre daily driver. The new X has plenty of power, fairly decent fuel economy for the weight and performance (look what an H2 gets!!!), and is the best bang for the buck. The reliability of the H2 is dismal. I don't expect much better for the H3. Nissan has had high reliability for years (no, this isn't my first Nissan!).
Easy choice for me.