Got a bunch of drain/fill plugs for the first generation X. I was religious about changing these out on my old truck. Traded the truck last year and don't need them anymore.

3 drain plugs and 3 fill plugs. 1 drain plug is new; the rest are used. 1 fill plug has a 1/2" hole in the center; I used this 1 for filling the transfer case/differentials when I changed the fluid. Unfortunately, with the exception of the new transfer case drain plug, I don't know which of the rest are for the transfer case, front or rear differential. They all look the same to me, but shows a different part number for each. I'm asking $10 for the whole bunch + shipping to your destination. Send me a PM if you are interested.


Edited by XRay (17/01/11 02:57 PM)
You've got city hands, Mr Hooper . . . you've been countin' money all your life.