I have searched many sites and forums to see how hard it would be to do this and it doesn't seem that complicated. Has anyone made their own? I was thinking about trying this but wanted to get some opinions before I start buying parts. If you have, what have you used for the rod and/or adjuster? DOM, Stainless...? What did you use for rod ends? TRE, Heim, Johnny Joints...? Did you base your design on the stock tie rods, where the TRA was inside the TRE or did you use a rod end with threads and use a solid rod? The latter seems stronger than the stock design. Lastly, did you stick with single shear or were you able to make some kind of bracket for double shear? Double shear seems rather impossible with the given space and movement geometry but it sure would be cool.
I know I could just buy this stuff from TC or Calmini but their prices are way outta my league right now.
4x rod ends, heim, JJ's = about $30 a piece, $120
4x nuts for adjustment = $2
3' of DOM cut in half = $? (guessing on length)
Find a drill press, metal lathe, whatever... tap $?
What am I missing here?
I was thinking about using parts from these cats if possible.
bullet proof