Its possible to read too much into things.
The media covers what it thinks people want to read about/see...and if there's nothing good, they'll just take a vapid issue, and imbue it with people will THINK its important....and so forth.
The do not have a political agenda other than catching anyone they can to have a story, and running with whatever BS they think will sell.
Politicians have been, well, politicians since they were invented however many millennium, they are simply fodder for the system.
The country was in the toilet years ago...we wasted resources on projects, like Iraq, etc...and ignored warning signs that clearly indicated to the rest of the world that we were acting like idiots.
So, now, we have inherited the disaster brought upon us by the prior administrations...and are digging out.
Things are getting better, not worse, and what's on TV has nothing to do with it.
You can get around 1000 channels, but, what's ON?
They are STARVED for content...good content at least.
So, just about ANYONE who throws up a POS show to try out is going to get a shot...and, there we have the Reality Show craze that started a decade or so ago...back when the stock market looked pretty good, etc.
So they keep trying new reality based shows...except reality is boring, so they CALL them reality shows, but there's writers, and producers, and the actors get paid, and get scripts, and "suggestions" as to what to say, etc.
So its a cheap way to have a show...not a sign of the apocalypse per se...but of the general lack of content, and the obvious signs of it in the offerings.
This situation started years ago, when commissions on sub-prime notes became more lucrative than std ROI it became about SELLING them, not about HAVING
..If you do not care if the loan is EVER paid back, because YOU will only have the note for a day before you sell it off..YOU will allow any scumbag with a pen to borrow any amount he wants to, even if you have to convince him he can afford it, etc...just get the note and sell it, rinse/repeat.
When the scumbags realized they were in over their heads, and the foreclosures started...the HOLDERS of those crappy notes lost their shirts.
And the next thing you know, as these notes were so popular as investments, almost EVERYONE had almost every one lost THEIR shirts....rinse/repeat.
And then the economy toppled like a house of cards.
I have a business that I STARTED in 2008, AFTER the crash.
It was VERY SCARY...the timing was - lets say, really bad.
I scratched my way through it though, and the business is still growing.
I made 3x as much in 2009 as in 2008, and so far, it looks like I'll make at least 3x 2009's earnings in 2010.
In 2011, I'm looking to train/hire more people to keep up with the growth.
My CLIENTS were broke in 2008 and 2009...but 2010 has pent up savings being loosened up as they see the rainy day is over...its still cloudy, but we don't need to build that ark anymore.