If you do the math...we were paying $2 a gallon for a while..now it looks to go up, and then level off in the fall around $3...call it $4 for a worst case scenario.
So, if I get 20 mpg, and drive 12K mile a year, that's 50 gallons of gas a month, or about 11.5 gallons per week.
11.5 times $2 = $23 in gas/week
11.5 x $4 = $46/week...a difference of $23/week just due to the increase in the cost of gas.
Now, lets say you get a 30 mpg commuter car...
going the same 12,000 miles...and using 33.3 gallons a month, or about 7.7 gallons a week...
7.7 x $4 = $30.80 in gas per week....
So - At the scary $4 a gallon gas price...we can drive a 30 mpg commuter car and pay about $31 a week in gas, or the X, and pay around $46 a week in gas...
The difference is about $ 15/week....or, ~$780 a year.
If you sell the truck/buy another car, you will lose WAY more than $780...in NJ, the insurance difference alone on the second car can be more than that. (X's are not expensive to insure, some of those rice burners are VERY expensive to insure)
I think my trade in value is around $8k...I paid more like $17K...what can I get that's as reliable, and gets super duper economy for the differnce?
I expect used/new econo car prices to shoot through the roof pretty soon....wiping out the cost savings the way getting the diesel option used to require a 15 pay back period to recoup the extra potion purchase cost.
Those of you who get less than 20 mpg in your X's will also get less than 30 mpg on the commuter cars, due to your hilly terrain, right foot, traffic, and other reasons you are unable to get better mileage compared to other drivers elsewhere, etc.
So - for my $15, I can keep my truck, still off road, and get on with my life, such as it is.
If gas stabilizes later in the year closer to $3, my bill drops to $34.60/week at 20 mpg, and to $ 23.08/week at 30 mpg...a difference of only $11.52 to keep the X, or a measely $599/yr.