Originally posted by Auditor_Kevin:
My wife has a two inch scar on her hand from trying to peel two pit bulls that escaped from a neighbors garage and were hell bent on turning my utterly harmless and completely non-agressive golden retriever into roadkill. There's another thread on here about pitbulls that details the incident.
The two pitbulls that attacked my wife and dog were raised in a loving home by loving owners.
That crap about pitbulls acting as nice as the owners is complete and utter bullshit. And that temperment score is irrelevant. It's not about how aggresive the breed is in general, it's about how much damage they can do when they go nuts.
Fortunately for the safety of the population at large, money talks and bullshit (most of this thread) walks. Insurance companies now drop pit bull owners that report even a single dog bite claim faster than I can type this sentence. The homeowners are also then blackballed from getting other reputable or reasonably priced insurance. And I couldn't be happier about that. Unfortunately, most people that I've come across that own pitbulls aren't too concerned with insurance of any variety.
Just so happens it was two pitbulls. I would bet my sweet little Pit/Lab mix on the fact that if you get between ANY breed of dog while they are engaged in combat with another animal, you become a threat and will get the nasty end of the dog.
Your wife is the dumb shit in that situation for sticking her hand in there. She is lucky all that happened was a two inch cut. Bad decision on her part. Hopefully next time she looks at her scar before trying to stop a dog fight. Sometimes lessons come the hard way, don't take the easy way out by blaming a whole breed of dog.
ALL dogs have centuries of instincts that tell them they are hunters, hunt in packs, and as with ANY predator, they prey on weaker animals. Your little sweet innocent Golden Retriever has the same instincts, but happend to be the weaker animal in this situation. Dogs sense fear, if you show it, you become the weaker animal...i.e. the prey.
I was bit by a damn cocker spaniel when I was a kid. Doesn't mean I go around spewing out propaganda that Cockers are vicious and should be shot on sight. People can be vicious, does that mean we get to shoot whoever we, as individuals, think are vicious and dangerous? Nope. I personally don't really like a lot of things in this world, doesn't mean I get to go destroy whatever it is I don't like.
I think the real issue here is FEAR. You people that hate Pits are the same people that clam up and get nervous when you are in an environment where YOU are the minority. "Uh oh..don't know how to act around the colored people, uh oh...I saw on MTV how they all hate us whiteys and they all carry guns and want to rob people, just look at the ground and they won't bother me." C'mon, are ya'll really that afraid and ignorant, stop being a bunch of f'ing babies. Stay your asses in your little suburbia with the white picket fence and keep the covers pulled over your head so nothing can get ya.
I have a shepard/border collie mix and a Pit bull/lab mix. The pit/lab is highly excitable and full of energy and bark, but that is all. My other dog is much calmer and nice to familiar hands, but has engaged other dogs at the same time when they came after my wife, and cornered family that stayed over and got up in the middle of the night. So as for that unpredictablity of Pits...that is BS. No one can predict a dogs' behavior 100% of the time, not even the owners.
Bottom line: If you don't have first hand experience around Pit Bulls, shut your mouth. Second, if you have had a "negative" experience, ask yourself if it was really the result of the breed or could any dog react the same way.
If you think a every dog in a breed is "dangerous", you are an ignorant human being and should get over your fear so you can hold an intelligent conversation without sounding like a fool who thinks all _____ breed of dogs should be shot.