- Blank screen. Just hear an old man's voice talking a bunch of philosophical claptrap.
- Movies proceeds to show various images. An image of someone writing 1+1=2. More imagery depicting war, destruction, and 9-11, soldier funerals, etc. It seems to go on for an eternity but it is only at a little more than the 8 minute mark. All clearly intended to illicit an emotional response in the viewer and provide the foundation for an emotional investment in the material.
- We hear the voice of lunatic, major conspiracy theorist, fraud and scam artist, Jordan Maxwell, and he starts ranting and saying everything is a lie. Religious institutions were put there by the same all controlling powers that gave people their government and all other institutions. Basically everything is a conspiracy or part of one large conspiracy. Off to a real good start so far.
-- George Carlin voice over of one of his routines attacking religion.
Part I: The Greatest Story Ever Told- Starts out by attacking Christianity and the old claim that the Christ story is the same "messiah" story in numerous ancient cultures. Claims the Christ story and other similar stories are based on the movement of the sun and other astrological and pagan beliefs.
- Compares statements from the New Testament to astrological ages and time frames. Claims other stories from the bible are the same stories in ancient pagan cultures.
- Claims Judaism and Christianity are based on ancient Egyptian pagan stories.
- They are basically saying Judaism and Christianity are based on complete bullshit.
- Voice over of Bill Hicks comedy routine making fun of evangelical Christians.
- Makes the claim that Jesus didn't even exist. Goes on to claim that Christianity was a political creation of the Romans to institute order.
- Now we get into deeper conspiracy shit because it claims that religion is the root soil upon which other myths for control can be built.
- Can't wait to see what they say about Islam.
The end of the religion segment and they never mentioned Islam. I guess the people that made this film wanted to keep breathing and their heads attached to their bodies. It's safer to attack Christianity.
-- Part II: All the World's A Stage- Voice over of conspiracy theorist, lunatic moonbat, and member of "9-11 Truther movement" David Ray Griffin talking about myths.
- Lots of 9-11 television video footage. Outright claims with text on the screen that 9-11 was a "myth".
- Blatant lies are told that the hijackers were agents of the US government. Other lies such as there were no Muslim names on the plane passenger manifests (relies a lot on this asshole moonbat David Ray Griffin)
- Lunatic conspiracy theorist Alex Jones is ranting. This movie is nothing but the "9-11 Truther" movement bullshit.
- Movie claims some of the hijackers are still alive. (In reality some were misidentified. The man who sold them fake ID's was a also caught and charged, but no mention of that in the film)
- Lunatic and conspiracy theorist Michael Ruppert is on screen saying Bush and Osama Bin Laden are connected. He's basically playing conspiracy theory version of '6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon'. The screen identifies Ruppert as a "former police officer". It doesn't say he was forced out of the LA Police Department. (Ruppert wrote a book claiming Dick Cheney and Wall Street moguls were behind 9-11)
- Some more allegations of Bin Laden family members. No mention that Osama's father had 55 kids with numerous wives and that the family is one of the wealthiest families in the world.
- More conspiratorial bullshit about the plane that crashed into the Pentagon. Same bullshit allegations as "Loose Change". All have been debunked.
This film is loaded with the slightest coincidences and circumstantial bullshit all put together to cater to the conspiratorial mindest. Idiots.
- It alleges that the crash in Shanksville, PA was a fraud.
- It goes back to the same old tired bullshit regarding the World Trade Center Towers. Makes claims they were intentionally exploded and demolished in a controlled demolition. All of it has long ago been debunked many times.
- Moonbat conspiracy theorist Dr. Steven Jones is on the screen claiming the towers were intentionally demolished. The screen says he is a physics professor. The viewers are not told he was fired from his job because of his 9-11 conspiracy lunacy.
Popular Mechanics did a good scientific series on all these WTC conspiracy theories. It was even worded so that the most conspiratorial of moronic mindsets could understand.