Live Posting Republican Candidate Debate....-- Ron Paul's first question about the economy....Monetary policy is wrong. Rants about other things but never says what is wrong with monetary policy.
-- Romney asked about McCain and brings up good points about why McCain is bad... drilling for oil.... amnesty....his expensive global warming fraud, etc.
-- McCain blatantly lies and says he has a conservative record. Doesn't defend what Romney said about him (he can't). McCain attacks Romney.
He rambles on about the people who are supporting him.
-- Romney responds to McScum attacks. Defends his time as Mass governor.
-- Huck asked about Rush Limbaugh by Anderson Cooper. Is Rush Limbaugh running for office?
Huck rambles on about why he thinks he is a conservative.
-- Romney asked about taxes and Health Care Program in MA. Gives rambling answer.
-- McCain asked about Gov. Arnold suing the feds regarding environmental issues. McCain lies and says he supports federalism.
He goes on to defend actions about global warming. The fraud of cap and trade. Says he supports nuclear power. Says we need to develop green technologies. Mentioned taxation to pay for it.
-- Romney talks about other energy sources. Is against cap and trade. Says it is a new tax that will be imposed on public (he is right). Says it will force more companies overseas.
-- Huck says California enviro policies will force jobs to other states. He's right.
He is against federal unfunded mandates on states.
-- Ron Paul talks about property rights and their threat from too much environmentalism. He is right on that point.
-- Huck asked about rebates to taxpayers ala stimulus package. Huck doesn't think it will stimulate economy. I agree with that.
He goes to say the money needs to be spent on infrastructure.
-- Romney agrees infrastructure can be good for economy, but he also cautions it can be done badly by mentioning "big dig" in MA.
-- Ron Paul uses word "empire" again. :rolleyes: Rambles on a bit and sort of incoherently.
-- McCain talks about mortgage crisis. Says people shouldn't be given money if they can't repay. Says Wall Street needs to be punished (that's a shout out to his left wing base).
He says government needs to take further steps.
-- McCain asked about Bush tax cuts and his flip flop on issue. Is avoiding question and says he was part of Reagan Revolution.
He lies and said his support for tax cuts was tied to spending. He doesn't answer question at all and not honestly.
-- Romney attacks McCain on McCain's comments saying the tax cuts were for the rich.
-- Huck asked about illegal immigration and "anchor baby" issue and if he supports it. Doesn't directly answer the question. Says Supreme Court decided issue.
Claims he wants illegals to go to back of the line. Doesn't say anything about them going home.
-- Romney asked about illegal immigration. Says no amnesty. Says illegals with kids should be given time to organize their affairs but must go home.
Rails against the McCain plan that allows all of them to stay. Says people who come here illegally should not be given a deal.
-- McCain asked about his immigration bills. Ignores facts included in question and says the borders need to be secured first (something he has ALWAYS fought against).
McCain opened himself up here for much in which Romney can attack. I hope he takes advantage, but I kind of doubt it.
-- Huck asked about Reagan's decision to appoint Sandra Day O'Connor to SCOTUS. Says history will have to be the judge of that, not him.
-- Ron Paul says he would never have appointed her.
-- McCain says he is proud of her. He then goes on to lie and say he would appoint guys like Roberts and Alito. A blatant lie by McCain.
They are taking a temporary break right now so the audience has time to go and throw up.....
-- Romney asked about Peggy Noonan's comments about Bush hurting the Republican Party. Romney says it wasn't all Bush but Washington too (I guess he means Congress).
-- Romney asked if he ever supported a timetable to leave Iraq. He says he never said that and it was a lie for others to make that claim (McCain's campaign actually made up that lie and put it out there before a previous primary election).
Says that was dirty campaign tricks.
-- McCain is dishonestly claiming Romney insinuted an Iraq timetable.
Romney is angry and fires back at McCain. Say's he is being taken out of context and McCain is not using his entire quote. McCain is scum.
McScum proclaims himself to be an expert on the subject. He basically just said Romney can't lead the fight against radical Islamic terrorists.
(Romney has a chance to attack McCain because McCain is the one who wants to give terrorists all kinds of constitutional rights).
-- McCain is complaining that Romney spent money on attack ads against him and Huckabee.
-- Ron Paul asked if he agrees with McCain that US soldiers could be in Iraq for 100 years.
Says he didn't agree with going there in the first place. Throws in "empire" remark again during long rant.
Much kookiness coming out now in a long rant. Says Iraq was unconstitutional and didn't have a declaration of war. Ron Paul's ignorance is shining brightly.
-- Huck defends staying there until job is done.
-- McCain defends presence in Iraq. Corrects Ron Paul about a comment about Eisenhower and Korea.
-- Huck asked about Vladimir Putin of Russia against context of comment Bush made about him years ago when first becoming president.
Huck speaks about our need for military strength.
-- Romney asked about Putin and says authoritarian ways coming back. Russia using energy resources for influence.
-- McCain asked about his qualifications to manage the country and economy. McScum says because he knows how to lead. Goes on to rant about his national security positions. Doesn't discuss anything economic.
-- Romney says McCain is not a guy who can lead on economic matters. Says someone leading a committee in Washington is not economic experience. Says we need someone who has led in the private economy.
-- Romney asked if military service is vital to be commander in chief. Romney doesn't feel that is necessary to lead.
-- Ron Paul says the president is not commander in chief of the economy. Says the president is not supposed to "manage the economy". Makes comment about the "welfare state" and complains about military being policeman for world.
Some of it was actually a good and correct answer, but Ron Paul's delivery is horrible and he has a habit of wandering too far from the question and always rants about foreign policy.
-- Huck responds to subject, but he boringly rambled on and lost me to a daydream. I have no idea what the fuck he said.
-- Romney asked if Ronald Reagan would endorse him. He says he believes so.
-- McCain gives rambling answer.
-- Ron Paul says he doesn't know what Reagan would do now. Manages to sneak in gold standard comment. The kook was emerging in that answer.
-- Huck goes on and praises Reagan and his qualities.
That's it. The debate is over.
I would say Romney did alright, but he had a number of opportunities to directly attack McCain and did not take advantage.
The best part of the debate was the heated exchange between Romney and McScum.
Huck was affable and personable but not very memorable.
Ron Paul was slightly kooky at times. On a kook scale from 1 to 10... he was about a 5 tonight.
The Republican Party needs to move away from CNN as a venue for Republican debates. The questions are bad and many are outright stupid.