Live Posting the Democrat DebateObama starts off....
"Listen up...."
"I don't like white people. I hate rednecks. You people are rednecks."
"That means I'm enjoying this shit."
Oh wait... that was the movie "48 Hours". Oh well. Same sentiment.
..... Charlie Gibson asks if each would take the other as a running mate. Geez.... what an idiotic question. I think we are long past any possibility of that.
Obama evades the question with bullshit.
..... Gibson hits Obama with his elitist statements about the people of PA to the San Fran billioniares.
Obama looks very uncomfortable answering and gives bullshit answer.
Clinton says she is a granddaughter of a PA factory worker. She says people don't "cling" to religion because of things in Washington. Says she can see why people would be offended by Obama's remarks.
.... Stephadickoulous asks Clinton if Obama can beat McCain.
When pressed again Clinton says he can beat McCain but she can do a better job.
Obama says Clinton can beat McCain but he can do a better job.
He goes on to claim he is a person of faith (we've seen his church and faith). He then blathers endlessly about bullshit and I couldn't pay attention to a lot of talk about nothing.
.... Gibson asks Obama about his speech on race and Pastor Jeremiah Wright. Asks further about Obama canceling Wright's appearance a year ago and why if he knew about Wright, how come it took him a year to distance himself.
Obama actually sticks up for Wright in his answer and says there is anger in the black community (Yeah.. it's called Mrs. Obama).
.... Gibson asks Clinton about Obama's church and the pastor.
She says it is intolerable to blame the US for the 9-11 attacks and she would have walked out. She says you chose your church and your pastor.
Obama blatantly lies and said he wasn't aware of those statements.
.... Steph asks Obama if Wright loves America as much as he does.
Obama completely evades the question. I don't know why Steph would think Obama loves his country. When pressed he said Wright loves this country but has reason to be angry.
This prick Obama will be the most racially divisive guy if he ever gets hold of power.
..... Clinton responded that these things are problems.
.... Clinton asked by Steph about people not seeing her as honest. They show video of guy who says she lost his vote with the Bosnia sniper thing.
She responds with BS and says there were safety concerns at the time and her recollections were less than accurate.
..... Obama asked if he thinks Clinton is honest.
Blathers on about unrelated things but says Clinton deserves to make errors once in a while.
.... A video from a white woman asking Obama if he believes in the flag and why he doesn't wear the flag (he only started doing it yesterday). He is not wearing the flag tonight on his lapel.
He claims to revere the flag. He lies about his past statement regarding wearing a flag pin.
He talked about economic injustice. Translation.... socialism.
.... Obama completely evades question about his friendship with the terrorist William Ayres.
Clinton blathers about the topic but said it could be a problem.
It was wrongly claimed that Obama only served on a board with William Ayres. He has also been friends with him socially. Clinton missed that opportunity to attack.
Obama responds by saying Bill Clinton pardoned two members of the terrorist group Weather Underground.
Clinton missed further opportunity by saying they didn't pal around and become friends with them.
.... Video question from foreign black woman about removing troops from Iraq.
Clinton says she will start withdrawing troops in 60 days. Says it will be done responsibly. (Sane and rational people know it can't be done "responsibly" in that short amount of time.
Gibson pressed about her previous contradictory statements with those of the military command.
She gives standard liberal answer that Afghanistan is being ignored.
Obama admits he would go against military command recommendations about troop levels in Iraq.
.... Steph asks Obama about Iran and possible attack on Israel.
He claims he will make it a priority to keep Iran from getting nuclear weapons. Stumbled heavily on whether he would extend deterrence to our ally Israel.
Maybe he would leave that decision up to his Jew hating, anti-Israeli pastor, Jeremiah Wright.
Clinton blather on with her answer.
Let's face it... Democrats hate Israel.
..... Video shown of McCain saying Democrats are going to raise people's taxes.
Steph asked Clinton about tax increases even if economy is weak. Clinton says she would still raise taxes on wealthy people regardless. Translation... that means everyone with income or a job.
She claims she will not raise taxes on middle class.
Obama will raise taxes on everyone $75,000 and over.
(I hope people take notice that they are talking about raising taxes even in a bad economy)
.... Gibson asks about capital gains taxes. Said revenues go up when these taxes are lowered. Asked why raise them more?
Obama gives completely bullshit answer. Says secretaries pay more taxes than their wealthy bosses. Fails to mention that secretaries get paid as employees and pay straight income taxes. Does he know what capital gains taxes are?
Clinton says economy has to work for everyone. Translation... socialism.
Blathers on more about the fairy tale of green jobs. As union members of course.
She says she will raise capital gains taxes back to the Clinton era percentage.
Obama wants to raise social security payroll tax on income beyond current limitations.
Interesting commercial break....
We had a commercial with a bunch of liberal actors pushing socialism through an AARP subsidiary called Divided we Fail.
Then a commercial for a stool softener.
I would think watching the Democrat debate would not require a stool softener. It already makes me want to shit.
..... Gibson talks about the Virginia Tech shooting anniversary and asks about guns. Asks about positions on guns.
Clinton says she will reinstate assault weapons ban. In her universe somehow people are being gunned down by military style weapons all the time.
Gibson asks Obama about D.C gun ban.
Obama thinks the second amendment is related to the tradition of hunting.
Gibson presses Obama about his past support of a handgun ban.
Obama evades and lies and says we need to get past the politics. Translation.... ban guns and everyone else shut up.
Both of them lie about not knowing facts regarding the D.C case. Both are working overtime to completely evade any concrete positions regarding guns or bans on guns.
.... Steph asks Obama an affirmative action question. Should poor whites be considered.
Obama says race is still a factor in our society. Steph asks should wealthy blacks be factored in for affirmative action.
(Affirmative action has been declared illegal. Don't these people know that?)
Obama says he FAVORS affirmative action. He evaded including whites. Says people left out of the system need that help. What about poor whites?
Obama might as well have said "I hate white people."
..... Question about the price of oil.
Clinton said she would release oil from the strategic petroleum reserve. In her fucking idiotic world she thinks that would lower the price.
Obama blathered and I have no idea what the fuck he was trying to get at. Government control was in there somewhere.
.... Final question about the convention and reaching out to the superdelegates.
Clinton blathered that she would fight on for the people. Translation... socialism and more government control.
Obama blathered on about healthcare for all Americans and the typical bullshit. Translation... socialism and more government control.
He also repeated a long stated lie that he says often and no one challenges him on. He claimed he doesn't take money from lobbyists. That is a blatant lie. Obama took money from Jack Abramoff's firm. He even went there for a fundraiser to accept the money.
In conclusion......
Both spent the entire evening evading and not directly answering most of the questions. That's fairly typical. They can't let the voters know how they really feel and their real agendas.
Hillary Clinton missed numerous opportunities to attack and nail down Obama. I don't know why she took the softer route. Politics is a contact sport. It's a blood sport.
She should have been more forceful than she was regarding Obama's friendship with the anti-American terrorist William Ayres and his wife. Other things too.