"Live Posting the Debate..."I'll be making some updates on the debate.
-- McCain started out by lying about his support for the Bush tax cuts. I'm downing my first beer already.....
-- Huckster was correct when saying most of the rebates would go to buy goods from China. It will be paid for by treasury debt to China.
-- McCain says he make further tax cuts as president. He doesn't have a good tax cutting record. That's good for half a beer.
-- Ron Paul says we have an empire we are maintaining.
Good God... I didn't buy enough beer.
He correctly says "Sarbanes-Oxley" was bad.
-- McCain is attacking the Democrats on all programs and spending they want to do.
-- Romney says when Republicans act like Democrats.... America loses.
He also attacked Democrats for taking credit for "the surge" turnaround in Iraq.. "How dare they". He is right.
-- Romney get asked a loaded question about what some retired Democrat general who works for NBC news has to say about the military.
-- Russert asks all if removing Saddam was worth it...
...McCain says Iraq mishandled but is turned around and going well right now
...Ron Paul says it was a bad idea.
...Huck says everyone believed Saddam was a threat at the time regardless of what was found afterwards
...Romney agrees is wasn't handled well in the beginning but is turning around.
All but Ron Paul seem to believe we can't just pick up and leave regardless of what went before.
Candidates get to ask each other questions now....
-- Romney asks Rudy about trade with China. Rudy says China is both an opportunity and a reason for caution. Rudy says we never fully recovered from Clinton era military cuts.
-- McCain asks Huck about "fair tax" and impact on poor. Huck responds by lying that it would remove the IRS(which it wouldn't). He says pimps would have to pay taxes... even non-Republicans.
-- Ron Paul asks McCain about the presidents financial advisory group.
-- Huck asks Romney about 2nd Amendment rights and the Brady Bill. Slyly insinuates that Romney flip flopped. Romney says he does not support new legislation and supports 2nd Amendment.
-- Rudy asks Romney about property insurance in Florida. Rudy says he supports a national catastrophic government fund.
WTF? Romney says he supports a national catastrophic fund (tepidly). (We have federal insurance programs for that already). Romney says people in Iowa shouldn't have to support Florida homeowners. He supports public-private industry solution.
No one mentions personal risk and responsibility when building and owning in hurricane zones. No one seems to want to give direct answer because Florida primary is coming up and they have to pander.
-- Rudy gets asked an environment question. Good on coal. He supports LNG. He supports hybrid vehicles. He is against CO2 caps.
-- McCain lies and says he only supports cap and trade... I'm drinking.
-- Rudy says his campaign will be a comeback just like the NY Giants. :rolleyes:
-- McCain told a lie and said he helped appointing Republican judges (that scum sided with Senate Democrats in the "Gang of 14")..... I'm drinking again.
..Mccain said he was a conservative... that is technical lie.
Damn... I have to take a piss.
-- Romney is attacking Clintons... they are out of touch.
..Russert asks how much of his own money he has spent on campaign. Romney evades the question and says it will be known when he files campaign funding reports. He can't reveal that to his opponents while the next primary is days away.
-- Ron Paul is asked about his position of abolishing social security. Russert reminds him that 3.5 million Florida voters receive SS.
Says he doesn't want to get rid of it right away. Says he has program to help seniors but doesn't really get into any details.
That answer didn't warrant a beer. Not kooky enough.
-- Huckster trying to sell fair tax again. I'm sure all those old people on SS in Florida would really love that.
-- Rudy is asked about his immigration plan requiring immigrants to learn English...Reporter asks why he is running commercials in Spanish.
Rudy goes on about "tamper proof ID Card" bullshit.
Rudy asked about Cuban refugee policy. Russert absurdly asked why is it different than Mexicans coming here.
-- Huck is asked about Chuck Norris claiming McCain is too old. Says he didn't question Norris because he was standing next to Norris.
Says it's not an issue for him.
-- McCain jokes he is sending Stallone to take care of Norris.
-- Rudy asked about NY Times calling him vindictive. Not a fair question because most of the papers here are liberal and always hated Rudy. Especially the NY Times.
-- Romney asked about NY Times claiming he is disliked. (I didn't know the NY TImes was running the debate).
-- McCain asked about his bad temper. Gives a bullshit answer then goes on to weirdly praise Rudy.
That's probably not technically a lie, but I opened a new beer anyway.
-- Ron Paul asked about a possible third party movement. Says he has no intention.
He correctly says that Republicans aren't acting like Republicans anymore.
The way he talks, he also sounds like he is saying we start a new war every day. I think I may have also heard him mention "empire" again, but I was swigging a beer and can't say for sure.
Mildly kooky. Not worthy of a whole beer.
Well...... that's it. The debate is over.
In Summary.....
The debate kind of sucked. It was basically dull and no real fireworks from anyone.
Ron Paul wasn't as kooky as in previous debates and the bulge on McCain's left cheek didn't seem to expand like a bullfrog in tonight's debate either.