Originally posted by ChefTyler:
While I don't like McCain's politics, they're better than Billary's or Obama's. And while I would rather see another candidate get the Republican nomination, can any of the candidates beat Billary/Obama? Be honest, don't go off on tangents, just a yes or no and who.
Can any other candidate beat Hillary or Obama? I don't know. Maybe. Hillary is talking some really scary shit. To Obama's credit, he is not talking the same level of scary government control. However, Obama is really no different than most modern Democrats when you take a close look, and really doesn't offer much "change".
I think DesertRat said it best when he said
"there's a huge and growing number of people in this country that don't believe in personal responsibility, and would prefer the government wipe their asses for them". That mentality is dominating American politics today. Unfortunately it is on both the Democrat and to a certain degree the Republican side.
Is John McCain better than Hillary or Obama? I personally don't think so. Maybe only marginally. Not enough to warrant completely destroying the Republican Party with a nominee like McCain.
McCain has gone to considerable efforts to fuck over conservatives and Republicans. He is more comfortable working with Ted Kennedy than he is working with a conservative Republican.
McCain would prefer a Democrat congress if he were ever president because he would then be able to institute the same agenda he has always fought for when fucking over Republicans and conservatives in the Senate.
If this country is going to be fucked over in the next four years with things like amnesty for illegal aliens; bringing in all their relatives; showering illegals with all kinds of benefits including Social Security and taxpayer health care; continued attacks on the first amendment; constitutional rights for international terrorists; liberal judicial appointments; Democrat tax policies; appeasing liberal/progressive social agendas; etc., etc., etc., it is better done by a Democrat.
McCain lies and says he is a pro-life Republican. He is nothing of the sort. He actually filed an
amicus brief in a case before the Supreme Court against a Missouri right-to-life group's first amendment rights to speak out against abortion. Not only is McCain hiding his abortion position, he fights against people's rights to exercise their first amendment rights.
McCain is one of the biggest liars to ever run for political office. He is complete scum.
McCain would be no different than having a Democrat as president. He would be worse.
If this country is going to be fucked over, it is better off if a Democrat is in office. If McCain is in office, the public will blame the Republican Party regardless of the fact that McCain is not, and has never been a good Republican nor a conservative. McCain believes in many of the same things as the Democrats and the Ted Kennedy wing of the Democrat Party.
McCain would do nothing but actually destroy the Republican Party. Something he has actively worked for from within for many years.
If Hillary were to become president, she would most likely be a one term president. She is not her husband and is not willing to govern and concede to moderate positions like her husband. She is the radical one of the two and won't be able to help herself on instituting her agenda once in office.
That would pull the Republican Party back to it's roots and conservative ideals and most likely also pull the public back to conservative governmental ideals and the Republican Party after a few years of Hillary Clinton and her statist agenda.
A McCain presidency would destroy the Republican Party for possibly a generation.
For Republicans to settle on McCain because they think he can beat Hillary is completely absurd.
What does it matter if he beats Hillary and destroys the Republican Party?