Thanks for the welcome [Texas style]to the site. It appears that I'm posting in the wrong area tho [General not 2x]. Oh well..
My baby -'Freedom 2'-is just over 4 years old with only 36K miles. I'm a nut when it comes to my baby-at the dealer and even at the car wash.
I have had the wind deflector rattle, check engine lt, ABS intermitten lt issue, rusting [of the screw heads] in the step and discoloring of the rear plastic bumper issues [all corrected by the dealer].
Now I've found out that the micro filter [dealer suggested]change is every 15K miles or 3 years at a cost of $120.00. Mine was changed last mo. when alot of humidity build-up occured [a/c will correct but..] once change it is now not an issue.
Latest issue to the dealer is the discoloration of the plastic snap-on cover to the wheel rims.