Originally posted by Angelo:
As of today, 11/6, there has not been a post in the 2WD topic folder in nearly two weeks... either everyone has decided not to discuss 4X2 Xterras anymore, or all the action has shifted to some new forum of which I am unaware. ...I should hope that everyone else with a 2WD is pleased with their Xterras... pleased enough that they would still be able to reinstate activity in the currently [Sleep] 2WD Forum.
Well the below topic about a trip to Death Valley was probably moved from here (2WD) to its current location here:

Xterra Owners Club>> Regional Club Discussion>>Southern California Club Xterra>>Topic: How many?

Angelo you are "From: California (Bay to L.A.)"... this would be a great trip for you. smile

Xterra Owners Club>>Regional Club Discus...8 to 11/10/2002

Originally posted by xterra_canuck:
-Can anyone suggest good places to take my 2wd to enjoy some light offroading?
"SHUT UP! Get a freakin' 4-wheel-drive!!"
Well the above mentioned location would be great. wink
From your profile homepage listing I figured you maybe from Wasington State University Pullman? I would say join PNWX but they say you "Must own an Xterra 4x4" frown
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860