Haha, no way in hell I would drive through salt water. No worries, it's freshwater from all the rains the Outer Banks had experienced the past couple weeks before I arrived. I made extra sure of that. But I figure there was probably some salt in that water from the air and sand, so I obsessively hosed off everything I could reach everytime I got back to the house (there was no way to avoid the water if you wanted to reach the house). And then after driving the couple thousand miles back home to here Florida, the first thing I did after unloading everything was soap and rinse everything I could get to on the body and undercarriage, and then got the pressure washer out and rinsed it all off. I'm still paranoid, so I constantly check for rust, but so far there isn't any, and I got back a month ago.
P.S, I got the longer jetski trailer too, even though I only launch into a brackish river and then take the skis to the ocean. It's a lifesaver, also seems to be much easier to launch them, I don't have to stop quite as far down on the scary steep ramp we have here. I also soap and rinse both the inside and outside of the jetskis after every single outing, and wash the truck too. I figure if I'm washing the skis might as well give the truck a once over too.