The dashed lines are all passable with two wheel drive except for the area near Calico mountain and Bismarck. We watched a Jeep that was decked out jam himself into a crack in the falls laying completely on his side. We were going to go get my winch when he said, "Oh, it's OK, I'll just back up". Believe it or not, that's just what he did! Not to say I don't love my Xterra, but I'm gonna get a Jeep one of these days. Probably an old one that I won't mind banging up so much. I somehow broke my rear sway bar in half and rendered my parking brake inoperable during the trip as well. The brown lines are actually the contour lines on the Mapsource map. I am working on switching to USGS maps for more detail.
"The trouble ain't that there is too many fools, but that the lightning ain't distributed right."
Mark Twain