The SWXC was invited to attend, and partake in, a rock crawling event sponsored by the CowTown Jeepers of DFW. The event is open to anyone who wants to run. The info for the event is down in the Southwestern Xterra Club forum. Check it out. If you are interested in running in the event, note the registration fee, and register soon. They are limiting the runs to 15 vehicles per class. Portions of the entry fees, along with donated goodies from the event sponsors, will be awarded as prizes. There will also be a prize for the top Xterra showing donated by AC (Automotive Customizers). KIK will be in September.
Your contact point will be Doug Miller at
non critical stuff follows:
Yes, I should have provided a link to the SWXC thread, but for some reason, I was unable to use my technical savvy and figure out how to link to a specific thread.
If you can, please do.
Since our Mods are on the ball lately about proper thread placement, this *maybe* should have been in the All Club News forum, but then again, not everyone is in a club, and we can get better exposure for the event here.