Originally posted by MemorEsto:
If you have the money to have someone put a SAS on your truck for you... yes a BL is pointless.
If you don't and want to fit bigger tires on your
X. A BL is absolutely necessary ! Also helps protect
the body on approach and departure.
Wow. You sure act like you know me.
You have no clue what it took to get my X where
it is now.
I collected parts for three years and researched
extensively, so I knew exactly what I wanted. I'll
be the first to admit that I don't weld. In order
to do it right, I had to hire somebody. Since the
job was done "my way" I'm running 35s without a BL
And without removing 1mm of trimwork. I plan on
removing the trimwork when I buy my 37s.
Whatever. 'nuff said about my junk.
I've always disliked body lifts. My reco is forgo
the body lift and put the money towards sliders or
a gas tank skid.
Good luck.