Originally posted by Xterra Kid 2003:
Maybe you need to get your T bars cranked or maybe somehow you have saggy leafs?
Saggy leafs on a brand new Xterra?
I don't know about the differences between the 2003 and 2002 but the Pre-02's are a lot lower than the post redesign. And I don't think it's saggy suspension. I mean a 01 and 02 are only a year apart but ALL 01s are lower, not just a few. They can't all have saggy suspension and sag at exactly the same time (especially considering the fact that not all vehicles within a model year are built at the same time).
Yeah the AAL is an option, and then you just have to crank up the torsion a bit and perhaps get it realigned. But the X's springs are already stiff enough that most of my friends complain about its uncomfortableness. Don't know how much worse it'll be once it receives few more leaves.