Originally posted by ChuckH:
On my last outing I damaged one of my rear springs. There are a couple clamp-like things that wrap around them...one in front, and one in back. Well, I apparently nailed one on a rock and bent it open a little bit so it doesn't close all the way around the leaf assembly.
Anyhow, what I'm wondering is if it would be safe to just find a way to bend it back or if I have to go pay the dealer for a whole new spring assembly? If I can bend it, does anyone have any suggestions on what I could use to do that? Thanks!
Ha, ha!
Chuck is a lurker! Better get some posts going buddy boy.
Why don't you tell the truth. You damaged the leaf springs on your low-rider Xterra in the Safeway parking lot last weekend. Those speed bumps are a bitch eh, Charles?
Looking forward to pictures after this weekend. The first low-rider Xterra with an ARB. Heh, heh.
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