With less than two months before goneMOAB I wanted to bring everyone up to date on the latest info.
If you have not registered yet please do so. I will be closing registration on May 1st. This is necessary so I can deal with the below noted permit process. If for some reason you did not register by the deadline send me an email at drborego@hotmail.com.
Things are moving forward. We have a few new sponsors and planning is going great.
In past years we have run goneMOAB as a just show up and go wheeling kind of event. In order to attract more attendees and sponsors there has been an on going effort to make goneMOAB a more formalized event.
This year’s goneMOAB is a fully permitted event from both the BLM and the state of Utah. This is a requirement since the event has grown so large. Running without permits would subject everyone on the trails to possible fines and criminal charges. Of course the permits cost money. The hope was to make the event self-sustaining through money collected from the raffle and t-shirt sales. Due to the overall cost of the permits exceeding what would be taken in from those activates (over 5 thousand dollars) the risk of goneMOAB being cancelled was very real. Luckily Nissan North America has stepped up and has agreed to pay for those fees! This shows a real dedication on the part of Nissan to support the 4-wheel drive community. A big thanks goes out to Nissan for helping out on this.
We will once again have a Primeda magazine title cover the event. This year we will also see support from Nissan Sport Magazine! For those of you that missed the article covering goneMOAB 2006 in 4-Wheel and Sport Utility Magazine visit this link
http://www.4wdandsportutility.com/adventures/rockies/0702_4wd_nissans_moab_adventure/index.html We are still looking for a few folks to volunteer as trail bosses. Those of you that have stepped up and are showing leadership I thank you. Every trail boss and tail gunner on each run will be getting a $25.00 Chevron gas card for every trail they work on.
A few changes to the schedule should be noted. Thursday evening poker night at Eddie Mc’Stiffs is being cancelled. This is for a number of reasons; their ability to accommodate a group of our size for a private event is among them. This evening will be an open evening to do what you like. Friday night’s event has been moved to condo H3 at Rim Village
http://www.moabrealty.com/rentals.htm. This is due to the fact that the condo owners association no longer rents out the clubhouse to non-residents of the development.
The organizing of goneMOAB has outstripped the open time that I have available. In order to continue to grow and promote the event I am going to be working on turning the event into a non-profit corporation. To do this I need to get the help of many folks to put together a BOD and also legal and accounting help. If you are interested in helping out please let me know. I would like to have dinner on Thursday night at goneMOAB with those who are interested in helping. To be on the BOD you must have attended at least two previous goneMOAB events and own a Nissan truck or SUV.
See you in Moab!