OK orders are ready to be taken. This is a
pre-order so those heading to Moab can pick them up there. Those needing shipping the shirts will be shipped middle to late May. Shipping is only available to the United States.
To ensure you have a shirt at the event be sure to place your order.
Orders will only be taken until about the first week of May. After that there is no guaranty you will be able to get a shirt if it was not pre ordered.
PRICE:If yo pick it up in Moab -
$15 each for all sizesIf you need it shipped -
$20 each for all sizesSIZES AVAILABLE:Mens Adult - S, M, L, XL, XXL
Womens - S, M, L, XL
Youth - S, M, L
P.O. Box 5
Norden, Ca 95724
PAYMENT VIA PAYPAL:jpalmieri(at)sugarbowl.com replace the (at) with an @ symbol.
2008 goneMOAB shirt - Black w/Orange print To Send him the money via paypal....
* Log into your paypal account
* Click Send Money
* Insert Josh's Email into the "TO:"
* Take the number of shirts, multiply by 15 and insert that number into amount
* Click Next
* On this page go to the bottom
* Subject: goneMOAB T-Shirts
* Message: Insert your return address or if you are picking up in Moab, Insert your shirts and sizes
Return Address
Kevin Copeland - I will pick up in Moab.
PO Box 278
Jefferson, CO 80456
2 XL Adult, 1 M Adult
If you cant figure out paypal then send him a check. All mailed checks inclued what sizes you need.