In case you haven't been following along on here's a few updates:
We've added some new sponsors this year including Master Pull, TJM USA, Marlboro Nissan, and Destination Xterra. We've got some pretty cool stuff to give away this year. Calmini didn't tell me what they are sending, but I should have it any day now.
Rausch Creek has added several more intermediate & advanced trails. They've also acquired their own office with staging area, so going to the MX park and then to the staging is no longer necessary. We then get to the trails right from the new staging area.
Only 2 days left to pay your registration fee! 1 more paid attendant and we'll break the 60 mark. A few more than that and ECXC 2k4 will be the largest Nissan off-roading event since the debut of the Xterra!
Get all the info you need at and log into the member's only section. Be sure to Vote as well.
Organizer, ECXC