I've had iffy experience with 4x4parts. The shipping is usually slow, and once an order is complete, there are no updates to inform you of the status of the order. Heaven help you if your order is split into multiple parts due to backordered parts, etc.
All in all, I've had a good experience. Customer service is rarely proactive, so as long as you maintain contact with them, they will help you out. I've ordered several sets of shocks, most of my electronics (with exception of the scangauge), gauges, and lift parts that I didn't get anywhere else from them and have had no problems with the parts that I have bought. Like many of the other posters have said, slow shipping and weak customer service hurts their reputation. Comes with doing business with a small business.
To all the haters, if you're that impatient working on building up your rig, slow down. 4x4parts is a good company that's working hard to meet the needs of a ton of people as one of the few suppliers of the Xterra market. Take it into consideration. Relax and
and your order will get there.