New Shrock Sliders for '00 thru '04 Xterra - Grey Powder Coated available in Phoenix area for $298. ($60. off regular price) Plus you'll be saving the shipping cost!
Also posted on Arizona Xterra Club Forum
Here's the deal - I ordered '05 Sliders from Shrockworks, but somehow the order got mixed up. I was charged for the '05 Sliders, but they sent sliders that fit the '00 thru '04 Xterra. They're sitting in my garage, grey powdered coated. Rather than try to send them back (box they came in is destroyed) Jim will sell them for $298.for anybody in this area who will buy them and pick them up here. They're new, never used, with all the hardware.
I Live in Sun city West.
e-mail me at:
Jim's redoing my '05's.