FWIW - I will probably not do a Shrocks bumper, I believe that the stock bumper will do everything that I will ever need. A Calmini bumper would be more appropriate on my X, if that day ever comes (ie, winch)
I am going to compile a list of tips for those that are going to do the install on their own. I ran into some newbie items that will help save time - I am willing to give you my cell number for evening calls. PM me if you have the kit and want that extra help.
By Monday I should have a good review of the install with some additional pictures. Again, very impressed with the tightness of the entire kit. The alignment was dead on, with some compliments from the old guys that have been doing alignments longer than I have been alive.
Thanks to Calmini for their great service and support. This kit is a true bolt on that is easily done in a garage with the help of another person. The cutting portion of the job is simple and straight forward, nothing to be intimidated about. I would give this install a 3 out of 5 wrenches in its difficulty. (00 - 04 3" installs being a 2, and the 05 spacer lift being a 1)
Happy kid here!!!