Two years ago, there were some issues in the KOA.

I was mearly an innocent bystander :rolleyes: hanging out with a few guys from Arizona and one from Texas. "KOA Larry" did not like the fact that we started a big fire late at night, sitting around bs'ing, beer, laughter, language, etc....

We also had issues with being yelled at all the time. The people on dirt bikes roared through the campground, but if an Xterra drove 6 mph, he got bent out of shape.

GOX 1 - was planning 1 day in town, but got there too late for the trail run.

GOX 2- Stayed for a couple days - met the RMXC group

GOX 3 - Stayed the week, then went to MOAB for a day.

GOX 4 - we'll see what happens.... laugh
First Xterra IFS or SAS up Moab Rim...#2 up Mt. Blanca.
African Adventure pictures....