Sorry for the super late notice but just wanted to see if anyone like go. This is from
Ok Braddahs and Sistahs its that time again. Its a Holiday Cleanup. Thanks to Mike , we finally got the blessing from the DLNR and the City and County! Mike will meet with the rep from the City and County on the 12th and get the details on the exact locations of actual designated area. But it will Be at Haubush ( Oneula Beach Park ) in Ewa Beach on December 23rd. The time I will shoot for is to be at Haubush at 8:00 a.m. and start cleanup at 9:00 a.m.
We need evrybodys help with manpower, supplies ( or companies to donate supplies ) Anykind of leads to news and media coverage. Local Radio Stations, news casters, Various people to video and spread the word!
Let me know what you can do to help. HERE IS OUR FIRST BABY STEP TO DOING SOMETHING POSITIVE AND TO UNITE! Lets get other clubs too. D.K.O.R , O.J. , Fj Cruisers, etc! Come on Braddahs GET OFF YOUR BUTTS AND FIGHT FOR THE CAUSE! 4Wheelers are here to stay, so lets show um we are possitive and responsible!