Just got back from a nice camp trip in Chevelon Canyon, about 20 miles from Heber. Had fun driving 17 miles on a dusty forest road, nothing the 2 cars with us couldn't handle tho. Looks like there are some 4x4 trails in the area, so might be a good place for an excursion sometime to do some exploring.
We stayed at a small Sitgreaves Forest site called Chevelon Crossing, deep in Chevelon canyon. Bit of a rocky camp ground, with slim pickings on nice flat spots for my house of a tent, so we were on a bit of a slope, but still had a fun time.
While we were there on Saturday we went exploring on a walk up the canyon from the camp ground, apparently there is supposed to be a lake somewhere, but I guess we went the wrong way. Walking along a trail that follows the river we start going up hill, until the trail just abruptly ended, so we headed back down and found a crossing over the river and made it another 1/2 mile or so up the canyon. Eventually gave up when we were starting to run low on water.
Saturday evening I cooked El Cids chili, recipe courtesy of Adam. Turned out good, but the extra Jalepenos made it a little spicy.
Highly reccomend the camp if anyone wants a sub-3 hour drive to a nice campground. Take 87 to 260, 1 mile before Heber is a Circle K, take the next Left onto Forest road 504 and stick to it for 17 miles to the camp. Enjoyed driving along that road so much that we did a 34 mile round trip back to Circle K on Saturday evening for some more Ice & Beer.
More photos from the Canyon at: