This is the official Agreement to work sporting events at ASU, in it's entirety.
The following personnel and/or professional services will include:
EVENTS - #1 and #2
1. Contractor is REQUIRED to work a minimum of 70% of the football games on the season schedule (5 OUT OF 7 GAMES). The Contractor MAY WORK MORE than the minimum requirement of games and is encouraged to do so.
2. Contractor is REQUIRED to provide the University with a minimum of four (4) individuals to work each of the required (5 games) football games during the 2008-2009 season.
3. Contractor must indicate prior to the start of the season which 5 games will be their required worked games.
4. Contractor MAY have any quantity of individuals work a game once the 5 game requirement has been fulfilled.
5. Contractor MUST provide the University with an estimated number of individuals that plan to work a football game twelve (12) days prior to the event.
6. Contractor MUST provide the University with the names of the individuals that are confirmed to work the event five (5) days prior to the event. This may be done either via email or fax. The names MUST be received in WRITING.
7. Should the Contractor be unable to meet the minimum number of individuals for the event required by the University, the Contractor must contact the University no later than eight (8) days prior to the event to make alternate arrangements for the game in question. The number that is agreed upon between the University and Contractor for the game in question is only valid for that particular game. A new required game must be chosen to replace the game in question.
8. For every required game that is below the minimum number of workers required that is not present at the event, the Contractor will be assessed a penalty of 10% for each of these individuals from the total wages earned by those individuals present at the event. (i.e., 2 individuals missing equals 20% deducted from total earnings)
9. Scheduled personnel will arrive at the north entrance of the Wells Fargo Arena for check-in at the designated time. Any person who arrives 1 minute after the scheduled report time may not be permitted to work the event. Tardiness will not be tolerated.
10. Should a scheduled individual be unable to work due to tardiness, the Contractor will be assessed a penalty of 3% for each person which will be deducted from the total earnings. If the individual is a repeat offender (2 tardies or more), a penalty of 5% deduction will be assessed from the total earnings.
11. Should the Contractor know prior to the event that a scheduled individual will not be able to make the report time and notifies the University no later than two hours prior to the event, the penalty will not be assessed and the individual will be eligible to work the event.
12. Contractor will work the entire scheduled shift and may request to work a particular location, but is not guaranteed that their request will be granted.
13. Contractor is REQUIRED to wear the following uniform: khaki pants, tennis shoes, event staff shirt, employee ID badge, and panama hat. The University will PROVIDE Event Staff Shirt, employee ID badge, and Panama Hat to individuals at every game.
14. Contractor will return Event Staff shirts and panama hats at the conclusion of each game. Contractor will be responsible for each lost shirt at the rate of $40.00 each and each lost panama hat at the rate of $15.00 each.
15. Contracted personnel will be REQUIRED to attend a Guest Service training session prior to working any event. Two types of sessions will be provided: Returner (has worked 3 or more football games during the previous year) and New (has never worked a game before or did not qualify as a returner).
Events #3 through #8
1. Contractor may work these events at their leisure.
2. No minimum numbers will be issued to work these events.
3. Sign-up for theses events will be on a first come – first serve basis. There is no guarantee that space will be available.
4. Sign-ups for these events will be taken two weeks prior to the event.
5. Each member MUST sign-up for the events themselves through staffing emails.
University will provide the following:
1. Stadium orientation/training for each individual regardless of being new or a returning member.
2. Event staff shirts, panama hats, Guest Services manuals and handbooks to the contractor.
3. Timesheets for each event that the Contractor works.
4. The pay scale will be as follows:
- $9.00 per hour per person.
This contract is subject to the conditions on the reverse and any addendum incorporated by reference, and is not binding on either party until fully executed by the Contractor and University.
Further, the Contractor acknowledges, by signature below, that any and all monies received for services, while in the employ of Arizona State University, does not directly benefit nor is involved in the funding of any high school interscholastic athletic program.