Thanks to AZXC and Yelo Jakt for leading us to the beautiful campsite on the Gila river outside Florence, AZ.
The wheelin' was good and dirty and the whole group seemed to have a great time. Nice to see club members out in the field who hadn't been around recently for one reason or another. There were plenty of exciting obstacles and even a few nasty (and I'm refering to the smell) mud pits to challenge anyones sense of adventure.
From the slot canyon on the way in, to the panoramic vistas atop the hill-ridges and back down beneath the canopy of tamarask and mesquites rverside, the scenery is top notch and worth seeing for yourself. If you have been there, you know and if you haven't, it's one more reason to show up at the next group meeting or find out about the next xcursion with AZXC.
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