Well, I got a cheap little set up that I thought would work fine, and used it without having it permanently mounted for awhile, but now Im not sure if its died or not. I have the Maxon 30 from Walmart and a cheap little mag mount antenna from radio shack. I got it mounted in the dash, tuned the antenna so the SWR was less then 1.5 on all channels, but today, I started getting some odd behavior. On channel 19 (and only 19) I have to turn the squelch way up or I only hear static, and I havent been able to get a radio check reply for a few days. I also now cant get the SWR below 1.5 on any of the channels.
Ive looked at getting a better radio and antenna. I like the Cobra 29 series, but wondered if anyone had any suggestions for a CB that has better shielding, noise filtering, and what not, without some of the extra features (Onboard SWR meter and weatherband) that might cost a little less. As for antennas, Ive narrowed it down to the k40 base loaded whip. Any advice in the area would be appreciated, as Im not sure if the Antenna developed a problem or if the cheap little Maxon got fried by a bad SWR before it was tuned. Thanks in advance.