Have any '02 owners had a problem with their radios?
I have an '02 XE 3-pack. Today, for the second time, my radio skitzed out on me. Cd player was skipping, nothing could fix it, so I changed to radio. 1-2 minutes later all the stations went fuzzy. Went through the cycle of stations, 2 were ok, 2 were fuzzy and 1 was playing country music (usually is christian). Messed with it for a bit, finally turned it off. Then turned it back on and was fine.
This is the second time it's done this. Anyone else had this problem? (I know, I know, upgrade from the stock stereo... I'm working on it!)
BTW... I've had the '02 since Aug 9th. Don't know if the length of time I've had it makes any difference.
Hers: '04 Sentra (After 2 years with '02 Goldrush Xterra)
His: '00 White 4x4 SE