Originally posted by gymbo:
--And you are PROUD?????--HELLO-- --JIMBOProud, no. But it happened - I can't ignore history.
Originally posted by Daggerdoggie:
What the hell made you think you could get in and out of that? That is nasty. Well, I wasn;'t trying to go through it, I was trying to get around it. And I almost made it around. What happened was at the end of the pit, I got stuck. I couldn't go forward because I had two tires (one front, one back) in mud and two tires trying to go up over rocks at the same time
My mud tires spun, and when I tried to back up, the rear of my X slid towards my right putting me in the pit with really soft bottom mud.
And from there, I just bogged down and thiongs went from bad to worse...to terrible.