Originally posted by Claus A Christensen:
then bring them to the next X function so we can bend them all over the hood of your truck. Maybe even you can charge a few dollars to watch us. You too Ian, bring your wife along and pass her down the line
You call yourself a Christian with comments like these?. Again I do not really care how they are used the mere factor you posted this.

I have read and re-read the last few pages and I think you are not getting the point. Banning Cosmo from Wal-Mart or K-mart shelves because they have the word Orgasm on the front page is worng. look around you you would have to blindfold yourself to avoid any sexual related material, Billboards, TV Commercials, Storefronts. Taking a natural approach to sex only helps children to get the right values and not look at the commercial side of sex and get a skewed view. Yes sex is supposed to be a private matter between 2 people, I agree but the world as we see it today does not limit you from seeing sexual oriented input...wake up.
You sir, are the idiot. They are not banning the magazines like the Nazis or the Catholic Church ban things. They are choosing not to sale it. They did this not because the word orgrasm was on the cover, but rather children ages 4-? do not need to have that type of magazine thrusted into their face every time they walk through the checkout counter. Those magazines are at their eye level, not yours. Grade school children do not need to read about orgasms or how to enlarge your penis in three weeks while they are waiting to buy their first veggie tales lunchbox. Do you get it now? And thank you once again for bringing up the Christian label. Bash, bash, bash away hater. Must be nice to live in a world where discrimmination and predujice are justified.