I am far too busy these days to keep up with the lunacy on here. First of all, you all can think what you want. This is the first comment I have directed towards anyone's family, ever. This came about because your fearless hero, Ian made two comments about my son in the last two days. Not one of you Ian clonies mentioned that.
Second, all you Christian haters have no problem calling us names, making fun of, etcc...I have never done any of these towards you haters. I have only defended myself. Thirdly, my comments made towards Ian and Sean were to prove a point which they made for me. They want to teach their children the ins and outs of sex using Cosmo and those other trashy mags which everyone knows is all bullshit. Fine, then from what they said, they wouldn't mind bringing their children into a situation like that. Their open minds, yeah right, deviant minds. Sean, I don't know where your fascination with homos stems from, but quit running back into your closet and calling all those that oppose you gay. No, you never mentioned an exact age to teach your children. Knowing you on this board, you probably already sat them down and watched man/man pornos. And Sean, you made your last comment different from the two prior to that in which you came right out once again and bashed us Christians. Geez, to be so blatantly discrimminatory like you.

To those who attempted to paraphrase, you were all wrong. No, this had nothing to do with raping anyone. You are the sick ones. These two talk so openly about their openness towards sex and their children. Then prove it. That's all. If they are going to use Cosmo to teach their kids sex, then their kids will be completely void of any of feelings and emotions towards and about sex other than lying on their back and having their ass slammed. Sorry Christian haters, sex is between a married couple. There are far more feelings and emotions that go into it other than a few beers. I feel bad for those of you that live in a world where you feel you need to suscribe to Cosmo or Maxim to get your jollies or your sexual education. When you are done living in fantasy land, we will be waiting for you in the real world.

Ian, ban me if you want. There is life without XOC.