i am away from here for one day and this is what I find.

I have been so encouraged by these peace initiatives until Hamas ( Hamas is a terrorist organization, you see there IS other terrorists out there besides Al Queda you liberal freaks! ) started getting into the act.

I believe it is time for The US to take its thumb off of Israel and let them go and do what we here in America seem unwilling to do. That is, destroy every last one of the people who want to drive Israel into the sea.

If anything, the Palestinians and Muslim countries should be thanking the US everyday for keeping Irael from going in and anihilating every last one of them.

In ten years or less, this country is going to be involved in a full-scale war with the so-called "Muslim" nations of this world. They will try to sell it as a jihad, we will be protecting ourselves. So why not let Israel do it now? If something is not done, the terrorism will NEVER stop, here, or in Israel. The Israelis know where they are, The Massad makes the CIA look like the Mayberry Police Dept. I say lets start lobbying the government to allow the Israeli dog to hunt.

It Us or them people, I would prefer it to be us, Liberals, Canadians, and all. wink
Chirpa Chirpa Bockala!