Originally posted by NY Madman:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Claus A Christensen:

Why do you always have to twist things into something they are not, me a hate monger and a Bigot!?, get the fuck over yourself. I look at EVERYTHING you say objectivly and honestly try to see your point. I admire your passion for what you believe regardless of weather I agree or not.

I have NOTHING against the Jews. To me there is only one race... No people should be percecuted like that.
You're a liar Claus. You started this thread to get a reaction and you got it.

You are probably the biggest bullshit artist to ever post on XOC. You knew exactly what you were doing. Your bigotry and bias comes to the forefront and now you deny it. Yeah right...

Posted by Claus A Christensen

Things were on track, although on thin ice but there was hope. THEN the Israelis could not keep their pecker in their pants and had to stir the pot. We are now back to square 1 with more carnage than ever.

Did the Israeli's not learn ANYTHING about the past, History does obviously not play a role in their thinking, Give a little and quell the flames that has grown into a blind hatred.

Yup and I lost the bet too. I had you pegged to chime in within an hour (you took 1hour 20, you must have been out) you only used 2 familiar Madman words (I lost again).

But Bigot and Bias were calculated as I knew your love for everything Jewish. So It was fouled out.

I can play you like a used fiddle any time I want. You are predictable, but you make a helluva good betting game.
Sharam can have my sister