Originally posted by joemaccarthy:
I ran a post on this site about my spare tire and 33 ASSHOLES called me names...
Let me put this in terms you can understand. "Yer kewl an rite...thees peeple r a$$holes. But i like u. hell, you can come over and fuck my sister".
Feel better, no0b? Hell, when I went to the Tony Hawk website you called me a poser...you didn't see me frolicking in flowers screaming bloody murder, did you? No, I took it like a man and went back to work on my awesome goofy-foot half-spin jumpy, jumpy, jump tricky thing.
I don't dislike you...or hate you for that matter. What I do hate is that you aren't here with me...right now. I like to sweat, and I think you might like it, too...I'll take you, boy...oh yeah..you know. Me...you...the srotum clamps....I know your type. You like it, and you like it rough.
Hell, I took your spare tire just to piss you off enough to get you all hot. Why haven't you called? Remember, you had a red neck the other night (well, two, actually...me, and then my cousin Joe-Bill).
I still have your spare tire, it's under my matress...you should have felt it last night. Perhaps you were too caught up in the moment.
Anyway, you have a friend here...please call, big-boy. I miss you and the way you squeeze your cheeks. I think of you everytime I go through the tunnels on my way through Virginia.
So, basically, since this thread is so completey gay - I thought I'd personify it with this post. I hope I completed my mission.
We are ALL ASSHOLES (that can't spell)! That's why we all love this site!
By the way, somebody stole my "Nissan" hitch plug. I have recently settled out-of court for $7,000,000.
Now I'm taking this turd to court for stealing my butt-plug.
Have a great night! I'm here all week..try the veal.
Spanky (pssssttt...no, really...call me)