Originally posted by Chris Ritchey:
Cary other than your own words and opinions you don't have any cold hard evidence that this so called tresspassing is the direction of the club? Do I act in the same manner as you claim the club is headed? does bobby? Mitch? Billy, Bryan, Jaime, Dan, Eric, Betsy, etc. and we have tons more members do they all reflect this direction the club is headed? You've so far tried to use two members to represent an entire club. Does that sound like fair representation? And where is your evidence that we are just trying to cover up for Brians actions? Am I trying to cover up for Brian's or expose your attempts to discredit the clubs reputation? And how can youi claim we're just trying to cover up for Brian when your statements never directed towards brians actions but towards the "direction of the club" If you've got a beef wiht Brian Keep it there, don't get the club involved and we wouldn't be having these conversations.
How you handle 2 "members" as a BOD member shows the direction the club is heading. How the BOD and other members react to input shows the direction the club is heading. Xtoolbox was just empowered by Steeple Stepper. As far as "evidence that we are just trying to cover up Brian's actions". The dog pile and ignoring the Request BOD Action thread facts says it all. The fact that it was locked then deleted... that is the direction the club is heading.
Originally posted by Chris Ritchey:
And just to go back to the trespassing issue, you still have no hard evidence that Brian was indeed trespassing since you do not know the exact location of Brians truck. And since you seam to know where his truck was located you must know how he was trespassing. Was he behind a gated area? if so how did he get behind the gate? how do you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was trespassing? Perhaps he just pulled up into a drive way just before a gate, in fact it looks like he isn't that far from the road. Why doesn't he answer, where was the picture taken? I'm just getting tired you posting claims without backing them up beyond a shadow of a doubt.
He did make a SCCXcuse. You missed it because it was a edit of his first post. It gave him a chance to break the photo link that myself, you and others have quoted. He is trying to cover his tracks. You... Chris are already making Xcuses for him. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Xtoolbox:
[Edit]Pixs taken from a street accessible open area being used by bikers and joggers the day I was there to go along the path [Edit] [ June 16, 2006, 07:10 PM: Message edited by: Xtoolbox ]
The funny thing is the church steps are also "street accessible". Another funny thing is the level of deception. "... being used by bikers and joggers the day I was there to go along the path".
The thing he never mentioned... therefore the
deception is the joggers and bikers could have actually been on the bike path
Chris... if you are "just pulled up into a drive way just before a gate" you are no longer on the public street. If you are not on a public street but parked in my driveway you are trespassing.
Originally posted by Chris Ritchey:
I'm curious, how do you know we aren't adopting 3N04 because we weren't maintaining it any longer? is this one of your deductionss or did you speak directly to Greg Hoffman to find out why as I have done? I can tell you this, it wasn't because we weren't maintaining it.
So you tell me... what was the reason. Why was it taken away from SCCX and given to a Toyota Club? Not a deception like Xtoolbox spews out.. but the truth... no little white lies... the truth... even if it makes the club look bad. Don't pick your words. The truth.
Originally posted by Chris Ritchey:
Now why won't you answer my simple questions, what are you hoping to acheive by all this? Why do you bring in pictures from the forum and take them out of context and say this is an acurate representation of the club? Surely anyone who follows the links I've posted to you claims can see that the picture of Davey on the steps was not an accurate representation of the club, yet what I take from your posts is that you are saying it is. I've invited you to talk with me in private, via email, or phone but you havn't taken me up on that offer. And I'm getting real tired of having to track down your post knowing that What ever you've posted I'll have to come in and give the back ground information to what limited scewed information you've posted. So I'll ask you again, can you please stop trying to drag the clubs name through the mud. Other than that I just can't understand the intentions of your's in posts like these. Do you want to help out the club? Too bad, these posts don't help.
My posts are meant to get the club to step-up to the plate. Xtoolbox has gone unchecked for nearly 7 years. It was a mistake by Blueleader, Y2K and myself that we let him slide. All it did was empower him to get away with more. I pointed out all the rules he broke. It is ignored just like just about every By-Law the club has. He will do
anything to be the center of attention. He could have just taken a picture of the building from the sidewalk. Instead he parked illegally so he could get his Xterra in the shot.
"I've invited you to talk with me in private, via email, or phone but you havn't taken me up on that offer." So give me a call. The number is on the website. Your clubs website. Just like the membership application that you never filled out... it's on there. Your a BOD member... you should know the clubs website inside out. Not directed to the club... but to you. By-Laws are not obeyed and are on track to be gutted out.
http://www.sccxterra.com Originally posted by Chris Ritchey:
One last thing: "You are who you protect" I guess Jesus was the lame, the sick, the hungry, a protistute, a theif, a murder, a rapist, a child molester, a lier, etc... If you are who you protect then Jesus was a sinner, because he came to interceed for sinners so that we can be saved. if Jesus was a sinner then all his teachings are without merit. Jesus didn't save people by beating them with righteousnes he saved people by protecting them, even those that didn't want to be protected, so I'd be careful with what you say.
"he saved people by protecting them, even those that didn't want to be protected..."
I agree...
P.S. So Chris... had my response half written out... went to pick our kid up from school... get home... wrote the rest. Clicked on
. Thread gone! Then I find it here locked. So... the above is my answer... now on this thread.
So Chris... if you need any more "cold hard evidence" to meet your standards just let me know.
I guess in the words of Jack... You can't handle the truth. :p