Originally posted by Claus A Christensen:
6 months is far too long, Chretien had a stroke which can not be faulted, what can be faulted is that every time he talks he sounds like an ass tired of shitting.
I am afraid that the LIberals will remain in power which in some ways is the lesser of 2 evils, Paul Martin (Liberal forerunner) can not be trusted.
Well I would vote is I could, I am not a Citizen yet and therefore have to keep my soap box to a "I have paid tax in Canada for 13 years without claiming one cent from anyone" level.
Damn Claus.... 13 years and you are not a citizen. What the hell are you waiting for?
The argument that you pay taxes is a false one. You also make a good living in Canada. Citizen or not, all people earning a living in any country should pay the lawful taxes in the countries they reside.
I did like the comment about Cretin sounding like an ass tired of shitting. That was good. Even if I didn't know his politics, I think I would hate him anyway.