How long are your sticks? If you have shortboards, they should fit inside with no problem. Just lay the seats down and put the nose between the front seats. Granted, it will get in the way of your buds going with you. As far as a roof rack for your boards....that's gonna be tough for your X. What you'll have to do probably is just get some rope and tie the suckers down. Luckily, the X's roof rack is awesome for that. Yea, it takes longer, and yea, it's not as easy as a board rack, but it will work just as good. To keep your boards from getting dinged up on the rack, I would go to Walmart or some place like that and get some foam noodles, sort of slice it down the middle, and lay it on the rack and put the boards on top of that, then tie the sticks down. If you keep it tight, it will work just as good as a board rack. After all, all a board rack really is (at least mine anyway), was foam and rubber straps.
Sorry I couldn't be more helpful, but I had to at least give it my best to help another surfer.
Keep on Surfing!
Let God Drive.