well, I need more info on the scratch. First of all when you rub over it gently with a fingernail can you feel the scratch? If so name the scratch and become friends. If you can't feel the scratch the best way to remove it is with a high speed buffer and a medium cut compound followed by polish and wax. You can hand compound the scratch using a circular motion muchn like waxing but with more elbow grease.
The thing to remember is you actually remove paint when buffing out a scratch so the deeper the scratch the more paint that has to be removed.
Wet sanding is another option but if you are asking how to remove the scratch this is probably more involved than you care to do. If you are interested I can tell you the proper way to wet sand the scratch but if you don't know what you are doing you will do more damage than good.

2000 Solar Yellow Xterra XE....Sold long ago
2010 Night Armor Xterra OR....Current ride