This was originally started in the
Which steering kit? thread in the Parts and Accessories forum Originally posted by Admin:
I don't care what members talk about. They can talk about whatever products they want.
The problem I have is when a retailer starts giving out information (via themselves as in the BP case or by using a member like TC did)
That type of direct sales is reserved for those companies that support this site. To allow uncontrolled access to every company that came along would be unfair to the companies that support this forum.
Granted I don't post a lot on this site, at least not as much as I used to, but I do lurk and read the pertant pages when I can get a chance.
Based on the statement posted by Admin I have questions:
What exactly does a Company get when they pay for supporting a site?
It seems from the quoted post that the company gets to provide inforamtion about their product and sell it directly on the site. Is that Correct?
Therefor a company that does not support the site cannot post information or sell directly on the site.
What if someone asks a specific question regarding EOE's sliders from back in the 00-01 days? Looking for specific comments on design, pro's and con's? Are members not to discuss the sliders because it provides information about a product from a vendor that is not a supporting vendor of the site?
And what about the situation along the lines of a member who is not a company or vendor or pays to support the site like a vendor does? (Going under the assumption that being a supporting member does not equal what a Vendor pays to support the site - please correct me if I am in error on that point) What if they create and sell a modification that is useful to Xterra owners but which the Majority of Xterra owners are unable to create or do themselves?
Example - ElectroKen's Rear wiper delay module...
Created from a complaint about the rear wiper in this thread... mentioned in this thread, promoted in this thread Please note that I personally think these threads are fine, and that no action take place either to these threads, the posts within them, or to Electroken. I'm a huge fan of Elevtroken, and have used his Fog Light Mod in which he poste the directions for free on the site - a member helping a member. (An X owner helping an X owner) I am only using this as an example because I am playing devil's advocate - thinking like a company who has paid to support the site and then read the quoted post from above.Those threads are not removed, and I'd assume that Electroken hasn't paid to support the site (unless my assumption from before is incorrect). So that would tell me that is not a violation of the policy set forth in Admin's post.
But do those threads in this instance not constitute a violation of the posted policy? The owner (ElctroKen) could be considered a retailer/vendor, even though he isn't a company. ElectroKen does give out something no one else offers for the Xterra, and it's not as if it's free (it costs $15), nor like he offered up the blueprint for the mod for anyone to go out and hire Joe Schmoe to make it for them. That seems like a member selling an item that another member benefits from. Or like a vendor selling a product to a customer through the site.
And wouldn't any further mention of the rear wiper dealy module be a violation of the Supporting Vendors policy, based on what was posted by Admin?
I guess I'm wondering where the line is drawn between a member who is providing a good or service through the site and a vendor providing a good or service through the site...
I mean, vendors that don't support the site don't have advertisements and written reviews on the XOC site, do they?
Does becoming a supporting company mean a monopoly on information to the members of the board?
And if so, why hasn't electroken's Wiper Delay Module references and threads been removed from the boards?