Ian, you're good, can't you write some software that searches the server for(or picks up on) any "XX.XX" type entry(perhaps with the restriction that the numbers must be within the 10.00 to 30.00 window) , esp if followed by "mpg". Whenever it finds something matching that profile it could compile it together with other entries, average them and then post it(and constantly edit and reedit) in a thread that has been "stickied" to the top, maybe with a daily high/low also, thereby giving everyone a constantly updated average of all reported gas mileage figures over the life of the board . Perhaps it could even be added into the rotation of ads at the top. That way everyone could always know exactly what type of mileage everyone else was getting. You could go so far as to figure and report it hourly so we could track if X's get better mileage at any particular time of day... The possibilities are endless... and pointless... just the sort of thing to satisfy the masses...
Submitted for your approval, with no small amount of sarcasm...