We received the following invitation:

Hello Southwestern Xterra Club


The reason I am contacting you is to let you know of our 4th Annual Wheelers 4 Wishes 4x4 Show N Shine. A group of Houston area 4x4 owners get together each year at Christmas time to raise donations for the Toys for Tots program. As you know, there are many needy children across the country who are not as blessed to have the kind of Christmas that most of us are accustom to. The Wheelers 4 Wishes Organization was started to try to give these children the Christmas they deserve.

We are having our 4th Annual Wheelers 4 Wishes 4x4 Show N Shine November 20th, 2004. Entry fee is 1 (one) unwrapped toy for a boy or girl ages 2 - 17 and 1 (one) canned or non-perishable food item. We would like to extend an invitation to your club to join us! This is always a fun event. You get to meet new people who share the same interests as you as well as see old friends that you may have not seen in a while. Also, you will be helping a needy child have a great Christmas! There will be lots of Door Prizes, a Winch Raffle, Food & Fun! Please make room in your busy schedules to come out and join us!

For more information about the event and to register your truck you can visit the website at www.wheelers4wishes.org
. You can also see photos of our past 3 events that we have held. We hope that your club can join us!

Shannon Brookshire

Founder of TTORA

Carrollton RACES/ARES #4007/A07