It might help you search if you spelled it right. :p
It is spelled MOJAVE but pronounced MOHAVE.
Not trying to be sarcastic just wanted to clarify.
The complete Mojave Road is 140 miles which starts at the Colorado River at the Nevada/Arizona Border. You can push it with a large group and make it in two days or you can do it in three days. The middle of the three days is used to check out Mitchell Caverns and Kelso Dunes. You can not drive on the Dunes but you can hike to the top. Last year a group hiked to the top of the Dunes.
What was really cool is you can yell from the top of the Dunes and someone can hear you as plane as day at the parking area which is a mile and a quarter away. They yelled with the FRS radio on and we heard them again 6 seconds later.
We had two Rino 120's with GPS which mapped out the Dune Peoples exact location and distance from the Parking Area People. This varified the speed of sound(900+ feet per second) fact.