Alright, alright...I'll join.
How about we meet @ IN-N-OUT parking lot off of 101 Rengstorff Exit about 9:30 am?
And, how about anyone who wants to meet in South San Jose to caravan down, we can meet @ USA gas station off of S85/S101 Bernal Rd Exit about 10:00 am? (..take the exit and head to Monterey Hwy. The gas station is @ the corner.)
Oh, and I'll be picking up my lunch @ Taco Bell in Hollister before arriving at the Hollister Hills. I'm too lazy to just sit and wait for BBQ...
Sign Up
1. Huey
2. SloMatt
3. Racer Xterra
4. GrgX
5. Jenirah
6. KaiOtiK - IN-N-OUT @ 9:30 am & USA Gas @ 10:00 am
7. Sonny
8. XSAL - IN-N-OUT @ 9:30 am & USA Gas @ 10:00 am
9. DebGary
OK XSAL...I'll meet you there @ 9:30am