Hey Xsal,
I picked the K&N intake system at CalX 4 for $110.00 from another Xterra Owner last weekend...He chose to re-install his stock airbox.
I cleaned it & installed it on my X yesterday...So far, it works really well...about 10 more horsepower & I can use Overdrive to drive uphill on the highways, in cruise control, with no power loss.
It's really nice.
I removed my Custom Air Intake System...I tested it last weekend @ CalX 4...Works Great...It needs a heat shield.
If anyone is interested, I'm selling it for $50.00 with the filter...I have a spare filter I'll sell for $15.00.
You can use the spare filter while you clean the other filter...They are both the same type & size of cone filters, one is white & the other blue.
Let me know if anyone is interested,
Best Regards,
Andy -AKA- KaiOtiK
"rEaLiTy iS tHe ExIsTeNz Of CoUpLeD vIsUaLiZaTiOn"